Our Partners

We are part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Through this synod and our congregations, we have access to spiritual support for the entire family. 

Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church is a gathering of believers who share the same faith in God’s plan for our salvation: Jesus died for our sins so we receive eternal life in heaven. We are young and old. We are new in faith and lifelong members. We are Christians united in faith and purpose.

St. Luke's Lutheran Church

We work as a community of believers making our church stronger by actions that glorify God and grow his kingdom. As believers who have been loved by Christ we seek to love one another (John 13:34). We do this by serving one another in our family of believers and in our community. In fact, we more deeply understand our personal relationship with Christ as we serve in our community. We invite you to join us in the exciting mission of Jesus.

Trinity-St. Luke's Lutheran School
(4K-Grade 8)

By the grace and help of our Lord, the students and families of Trinity-St. Luke’s
Lutheran School will grow in faith through God’s Word and shine forth to all with the truth that Jesus Christ is our Savior.

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

A nationwide synod that believes the Bible is God's Word and that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world. If you would like to learn more about Jesus click here and if you would like to learn more about what's happening in the synod, click here

Lakeside Lutheran High School

Lakeside is a unique high school: everything that we teach bears a distinctive Christian message. Obviously, our religion classes, chapel services, devotions, and prayers are reminders to our students of the Lutheran faith that we share in common. Beyond that, our classes in mathematics, science, social studies, English, and our many electives, carefully impart the message to our students that Jesus is their Savior who has redeemed them from their sins. In all that we say and do, we strive to preach Christ crucified.

Luther Preparatory School

Luther Preparatory School has a single mission: to prepare and encourage young people to be pastors and teachers in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). That mission is central in everything we do - in the classroom, in daily worship, in the personal guidance given to every student, and in all our extracurricular activities. To help fulfill that mission, we ask all our students to prayerfully consider serving God as a pastor or teacher. About half of our students become pastors and teachers in the public ministry while half serve God in personal witnessing and service.


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

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